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Dermal Fillers in Louisville, KY

Natural Volume

Louisville Dermal Fillers with Scout Aesthetics

Welcome to Scout Aesthetics in Louisville, Kentucky, where Jennifer Fick, DNP, specializes in providing hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm. As you age, volume loss in your face can contribute significantly to the signs of aging. Jennifer Fick, DNP's motto is that the best filler is undetectable, and her goal is not to change your appearance but to enhance your natural features. By injecting dermal fillers conservatively in the correct area and depth, she can restore the natural contour of your face, resulting in a more youthful appearance. Jennifer Fick, DNP can create a customized treatment plan for you, with common injection sites including the cheeks, lips, jawline, under eyes, mid-face, chin, and smile lines.

The Right Formula for You

What are Dermal Fillers?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are a popular choice for achieving soft and natural-looking results, as they contain a substance that naturally occurs in the body and gradually dissolves over time, typically lasting between 6 to 18 months.

However, selecting the appropriate filler for your needs depends on various factors, such as the treatment area, the issue being addressed, and your desired outcomes. Fortunately, Juvederm and Restylane offer a lineup of HA fillers catering to specific concerns. To determine the best filler for your requirements, it's recommended to consult Jennifer Fick, DNP, who can recommend the most suitable type of dermal filler based on your unique needs.

Dermal Fillers Louisville, KY  Louisville

Enhance Your Contours

What are the Benefits of Dermal Fillers?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers have gained immense popularity in the cosmetic industry due to their remarkable benefits. HA fillers not only add volume to the skin but also improve its texture and decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The significant advantage of these fillers is that they exist naturally in the body, making them biocompatible and reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

HA fillers provide long-lasting results lasting up to a year, making them a convenient and cost-effective option for individuals seeking to enhance their facial features. In addition, they can be used for both corrective and preventive purposes, which means they can combat volume loss and fine lines at earlier stages of the aging process. With our dermal fillers Louisville patients can achieve smoother, plumper, and more youthful-looking skin with minimal downtime, making them a popular choice among individuals seeking minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.

A Unique Experience

Your Louisville Dermal Fillers Consultation

When you come to Scout Aesthetics in Louisville, KY, for a consultation for dermal fillers, you can expect a unique experience. Our experienced and knowledgeable aesthetic specialists, led by Jennifer Fick, DNP, will take the time to understand your individual needs and goals and thoroughly evaluate your facial anatomy to recommend a customized treatment plan. You will have ample opportunity to ask questions and express concerns, ensuring you feel comfortable and confident in your decision. At Scout Aesthetics, we prioritize personalized and professional consultations that set the foundation for beautiful and natural-looking results.

Add Volume

Your Dermal Fillers Procedure

Dermal Fillers Louisville, KY  Louisville

If you have a fear of needles, we have you covered with topical numbing cream and other comfort measures to make your treatment more comfortable.

Hyaluronic acid fillers are administered through a needle or cannula. Most fillers available on the market are pre-mixed with lidocaine, a local anesthetic. As a result, the treated region becomes numbed, with little to no discomfort during the process. The whole Louisville dermal filler treatment usually takes 30-60 minutes, with numbing time included in your appointment.

Smoother and Plumper

Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Guidelines

For optimal results and smooth recovery after a filler treatment, it's essential to follow some pre- and post-treatment guidelines. Before the treatment, plan and schedule it at least two weeks before any major events to allow the swelling and bruising to subside. Avoid dental work and immunizations two weeks before or after the treatment. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours since it can worsen bruising. Also, avoid blood-thinning products such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and specific vitamins for three days before and after the treatment to prevent additional bruising.

Finally, discontinue alcohol, niacin, caffeine, and cigarettes 24 hours before your appointment. Following these simple guidelines can minimize discomfort and bruising, allowing you to enjoy your enhanced features soon after treatment. After the treatment, avoiding high-intensity physical activities, receiving other facial treatments, or dental procedures for two weeks is recommended. Following these pre- and post-treatment guidelines can help ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery.

Radiant and Youthful

Dermal Fillers Results

The duration of results from hyaluronic acid dermal fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm varies depending on the specific product used, the individual's metabolism, the injection site, and other factors. Generally, the effects of these dermal fillers can last anywhere from 6 months to 18 months or longer. In areas with a lot of facial movements, such as the lips, the duration may be shorter, while in areas with less movement, such as the cheeks, the duration may be longer.

Additionally, the individual's age, skin type, and lifestyle factors, such as smoking and sun exposure, can affect how long the results last. It's important to note that the results of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are temporary, and the body will eventually absorb the filler. To maintain the results, follow-up treatments are usually needed.

Dermal Fillers Frequently Asked Questions

We primarily work with the Juvederm and Restylane collections of hyaluronic fillers and can help you select the best formulation for your needs. The type of filler selected depends on the area of the face, individual goals, and the skin quality. If you have any questions or are interested in dermal fillers Louisville area residents or guests are encouraged to schedule a consultation today with Jenn Fick, DNP.

Dermal fillers typically need to be touched up every six to 18 months.

Your Scout Aesthetics Consultation

At Scout Aesthetics, consultations are the key to unlocking your skin's full potential. Our consultations aren't just about getting a quick fix but creating comprehensive plans for short- and long-term results. Whether you're looking for skincare advice, injectables, or other aesthetic treatments, we're here to guide you through the process. During our consultations, we'll discuss your goals, address any concerns you may have, and develop a plan tailored specifically to you. 

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